Today I’ve a special treat for you all: I just received confirmation from a trusted source inside Sony that only goes by the name A.F. that a new pro camera is about to hit the market.
You can see in the picture just under the title a bunch of the first samples ready for the early reviewers.
As for the specs, my source is absolutely positive the A1 (this is the camera codename for now):
- will come in several colors; it looks like Sony took a page from Pentax-Ricoh book
- should implement a new concept of Weather-Permeability™; instead of trying to render the camera water-proof Sony engineers, with a stroke of genius, decided to let water flow freely inside the camera, but without ill effects
- a Cliccky-Clank-Clack™ shutter button; it is a new device that will mimic the now legendary A7r shutter sound, just in a more joyful way
- following the latest fashion, Sony decided to go retro with the look of the camera, adding even a fake film advance lever
- now that toy cameras are all the rage, Sony decided as well to discard the Sonnar 50/1.8 as a standard lens, offering instead in kit a beautifully unsharp all-plastic lens; I’ve been assured from my source A.F. that the bokeh will be sublime, especially because not much will be in focus anyway
- a stunning Finder with Optical O-shaped Lens, FOOL™ in Sony speak
And finally the two features that will let Sony take the market by storm all over again:
- not content of having removed the ancient technology of the mirror from our cameras, now Sony doesn’t feel the need for a sensor as well anymore. The new category, bound to put the last nail in the DSLR coffin, has been obviously baptized Sensorless™
- and this time – lucky for us! – Sony decided to attack CaNikon also price-wise, so rumors have it that the A1 price should be (I hope you’re seated!) well under 10€, maybe even under 5€!!! Take that Canon 5DsR!
It is yet unknown when the new Sony A1 will start to ship, but I’ve been assured that you will be soon able to buy one at every souvenir shop around the country. 🙂